COIL at CSULB is in the process of developing campus specific resources for faculty interested in developing COIL courses.
In the meantime, we have compiled a number of relevant resources to help you get started thinking through your course and collaboration.

Faculty Guides
- The COIL Center at SUNY has produced the most comprehensive faculty guide. The sixth addition of the SUNY Faculty Guide for COIL Course Development is available for request from the center.
- COIL Workbook developed by the College of Education and Human Development at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities campus
- Faculty Guide for Global Course Connections developed by the Global Liberal Arts Alliance
- Internationalization in Action – Connecting Classrooms: Using Online Technology to Deliver Global Learning – American Council on Education
COIL Course Examples
- The SUNY COIL Center has developed a useful summary of the basic types of COIL course models
- The SUNY COIL Center has also compiled a list of more than 50 examples of COIL courses, many of which include detailed case studies
- Coventry University in the United Kingdom has developed a database of nearly 150 COIL courses that is searchable by college and department
Video Summaries
- “An Introduction to the COIL Model as Pedagogy and Strategy” – American Councils for International Education and SUNY Center for COIL (~43 mins)
- “COIL – Collaborative Online International Learning” – Center for Educational Innovation, University of Minnesota (~3 mins)
- “What is COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning)?” – Florida International University (~3 mins)
- “10 Keys to Success for Collaborating Online With Global Partners” – Florida International University (~3 mins)
COIL Centers
COIL has been adopted and promoted by colleges and universities across the country and around the world. To develop a sense of how other institutions are approaching and supporting COIL endeavors, we recommend browsing these sites:
- Online International Learning at Coventry University, United Kingdom
History and Overview of COIL
- For background on the ideas that inform COIL and a history of its institutionalization, please see the 2017 article by Jon Rubin, “Embedding Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) at Higher Education Institutions,” which has been made available COIL Consulting.