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May 3, 2005 - San Antonio, TX

L&SR Literacy and Social Responsibility
Special Interest Group of the International Reading Association


May 3, 2005
Marriott Rivercenter
San Antonio, Texas

The meeting was called to order by President, Cynthia McDermott, on May 3, 2005, following the 2005 L&SR presentation at the Annual Convention of the International Reading Association. Members in attendance included: Kaye West (Anderson), Beth Breneman, Isabel Campoy, Melanie Cohen Goodman, Rebecca Kaminski, Rebekah Kelleher, Marylou Matoush, Cynthia McDermott, Greta Nagel, Denise Stuart, and Marsha L. Thicksten. President Cynthia McDermott chaired the meeting. Handouts were circulated.

Congratulations and accolades were extended to the following officers:
• Denise Stuart for her inspired leadership as Program Chair for 2004-05
• Kaye West for developing and managing the SIG Web site
• Rebecca Kaminski for launching our her leadership with the new eJournal
• Marsha Thicksten and Greta Nagel for their willingness to serve as Program Co-Chairs in 2006 and 2007

Board Directory
The Board directory was circulated for up-dating, and some members added their cell phone numbers. Beth will update the directory, and email it to all members of the Board. Cynthia emphasized the importance of working to increase our diversity.

2006 Program
Marsha and Greta identified democracy as the theme for next year’s program. This would encompass the goal of creating democratic classrooms promoting discussions (with civility). Program chairs also hope to examine the concept, democracy, and reflect on its range of interpretations. They would like to continue the tradition of featuring a keynote speaker.

Achieving broader communications is also desirable. Our Mission Statement is on the IRA Web site, our SIG Web site, and membership brochure. The list of leadership responsibilities was distributed for review. The motion was passed and carried to put the Leadership Responsibilities into By-laws. Beth volunteered to work on updating By-laws throughout the next year.
Rebecca plans to create a List Serve that will reach our entire membership. There is also a separate List Serve for SIG Leadership, which is being updated.
Kaye and Isabel agreed that it is important to link electronically to other organizations. It was also suggested that we explore the possibility of creating linkages between our Web site and the Web sites of relevant authors.
Rebecca is hoping to generate more submissions for the new eJournal. Her current plan is to publish twice a year.

Budget & New Treasurer
We currently have $250.00. Isabel suggested that a subcommittee be formed to study how to bring in more money (e.g. grants and foundations). A brief discussion followed about hopes that IRA will expand its efforts to publicize the work of Special Interest Groups. Dolores Fisette has stepped down as Treasurer but hopes to become active again in a couple of years. Melanie Cohen Goodman volunteered to serve as Treasurer. The motion was proposed, seconded, and carried that Melanie be our new Treasurer. Beth and Melanie will work together to assure the transfer of funds.

Committee Chairs & Chair, Literature of Social Justice
It was moved and seconded that Committee Chairs be created as a new category of academic and organizational leader within the formal structure of the SIG. Committee Chairs could define an area of interest and activity under the umbrella of Literacy and Social Responsibility. They might organize a committee within the selected area, form liaisons with other professional groups, identify an area of research for focus, present or recruit presenters for the SIG session, write articles for the eJournal, develop a section of the Web site & suggest links to other Web sites, or highlight promising instructional strategies etc. The motion was carried. A term of office for this position should be considered in the by-laws.

It was moved that Patty Dean become the SIG first Chair on the Literature of Social Justice. The motion was seconded. Patty Dean was unanimously voted into this new position.

New Program Chair Selection Process for 2007, 2008
The following modification in operating procedures was moved and seconded: That the incoming President take the lead in seeking nominations/volunteers for the new Program Chair. This process would assure continuity of the group and might encompass these steps, as described in the example below : Example: Proposed Program Chair Selection Process for 2007, 2008:

  1. Incoming President seeks nominations/volunteers at SIG Business Meeting 2005. (If Officers reach consensus, recruit Program Chair). President may also work with the Program Chair and announce the Request for Nominations at the SIG session.
  2. If there are none, Communication Coordinator sends message to entire SIG Leadership soliciting nominations/volunteers by June 30, 2005, and sends results forward to President.
  3. President sends forward recommendation or status of situation to SIG officers via email until consensus is reached.
  4. President takes the lead in seeking solution (with help from SIG officers)
    until a Program Chair is recruited. The President may call on the Communication Coordinator to send out another message to SIG Leadership.
  5. President invites the Program Chair prior to SIG Business Meeting 2006, so that the Program Chair can be voted in at that meeting. (The Program Chair(s) will have to submit a proposal to IRA by June 1, 2007, for the program in 2008—and the more lead time, the better.)

The proposal was passed. Denise and Cynthia will begin the process this year by consulting by e-mail on this issue. Denise will make use of the Board list serve in this process. Denise will also pass on helpful materials to Greta and Marsha. The idea of developing and updating a Program Chair Binder was proposed and discussed. Work will begin on this as soon as possible.

Social Event in Chicago
Greta volunteered to serve as Social Event Coordinator by finding a restaurant and making a reservation for a dinner in Chicago. She will use the Board list serve to get word out to Board members and other potential leaders.
It was also agreed that if the new Program Chairs wish to spend SIG funds on refreshments for next year’s program, they will e-mail the Board.

The meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Beth Breneman, Secretary

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Date Modified: November 28, 2006 - Feedback

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