National Health Disparities Conference
November 5-8, at The Westin in Long Beach, CA
Like its seven predecessors, the 2014 National Health Disparities Conference will focus on policies and programs to reduce health disparities, with one panel addressing a new topic: the impact of health issues, including disparities, on our nation’s military personnel and national security. Throughout the conference, presenters will emphasize the role of social determinants, personal responsibility and prevention in initiatives that reduce disparities.
Why is this important to all Americans, and not just our nation’s minority citizens? Over time, our nation’s healthcare providers and policy makers have come to understand that the wellbeing of each American impacts the well-being of all Americans. Truly healthy communities and their citizen-leaders recognize the roles human health, environmental quality, environmental justice and economic development play in overall community development.
Moreover, at a time when our nation’s traditional “sick-care” medical model appears to be unsustainable, a comprehensive “well-care” approach, recognizing social determinants and emphasizing prevention and personal responsibility, may reduce disparities and restore much-needed balance to the national dialogue on healthcare.
The program’s agenda offers participants the chance to interact in a variety of settings, including a student forum with poster presentations, panel sessions on specific topics, keynote and luncheon speakers, and more relaxed social activities.
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