Programs - 1999
A Message from the Program Chair
Eleanor Black
The purpose of the 1999 presentations is to study, understand, and promote
high quality programs which foster community service, participatory citizenship,
social responsibility, appreciation for diversity, environmental stewardship,
and caring behavior that occurs within the development of literacy across
the curriculum.
The philosophy behind the content of the presentations is that a very
broad umbrella is created allowing for social and civic development in
humans when literacy and social responsibility are joined together.
Michael Rosen will discuss the importance of stories (yours
and others) as tools for linking literacy growth and civic/social mindedness.
Mr. Parker will discuss new approaches for assessing student learning
outcomes in these areas.
In the other panel presentations, leaders in the field of literacy education
will discuss their work and present resources and promising practices
that have demonstrated results in the areas of literacy and development
of prosocial attitudes.