Employee of the Month - October 2021

Noreen Kimura, Safety & Facilities Officer
College of the Arts Administration

Awarded Thursday, October 14th, 2021 via Zoom Virtual celebration. Noreen was joined by President Jane Close Conoley, College of the Arts (COTA) Associate Dean Margaret Black, COTA Administrative Services Manager Theresa Stanberry, numerous COTA and campus colleagues, and family members.

Noreen Kimura, the Safety and Facilities Officer in the College of the Arts (COTA), has been serving the CSULB community for almost seven years. She is the primary contact for safety within all departments in COTA.

During the last 18 months of Covid response, Noreen has delivered an overwhelmingly dedicated, thoroughly invested, and high-quality response to the needs of the College. In the midst of the pandemic, she remained on campus to assist various colleagues in COTA with tasks including collecting mail, securing buildings, and handling work order requests. In addition, she created and implemented proper safety standards to allow students to access necessary equipment and spaces such as instruments, dance studios, and kilns. Noreen’s colleagues describe her as “an inspiring and valuable asset” and are grateful for her “unfailingly positive” attitude, “exceptional grace, competence, humor, and professionalism.”

Various colleagues have expressed their appreciation for Noreen’s dedication to COTA, including Colleen Ryan, the Senior Academic Affairs Facilities Specialist: “She has skillfully balanced the increased and ever-changing safety needs with the needs for students, staff and faculty to advance their education and creativity. The level of communication she has consistently delivered regarding COTA activities and the procedures and plans she has created for face-to-face activities, pick up activities, research activities and overall function have served as an example for other colleges. ... Having been in her exact position for many years I am so grateful she was at the helm during this pandemic. I never would have been able to sustain the level of energy, tenacity and service that Noreen has.”

Stephanie Losleben, the Technical Coordinator in the Dance department expressed her gratitude to Noreen during this challenging time: “She has been our voice to address our concerns, our physical body when we could not be there for walk throughs on important building tasks, and has worked tirelessly and with such an amazing positive attitude, even when faced with her own personal reservations and needs. … She is a hero, a champion, and an amazing staff member of CSULB.”

Noreen thanks and recognizes everyone working at CSULB, specifically the College of the Arts, Beach Building Services, Environmental Health and Safety, and Academic Affairs, to name a few. She stated that she appreciates “working with all of the many amazing individuals on campus.” She’s also thanks her husband and family for their continued support and encouragement.