Employee of the Month - September 2021

Jorge Soriano, Early Academic Preparation (EAP) Coordinator
University Outreach & School Relations

Awarded Thursday, September 16th, 2021 via Zoom Virtual celebration. Jorge was joined by President Jane Close Conoley, University Outreach & School Relations (UOSR) Director Evelyn Daliwan, Assistant Director of University Outreach Corion Lucas, numerous UOSR and campus colleagues, and family members.

During the pandemic, Jorge’s talents shone when he developed meaningful connections between the University and prospective students through social media. Corion Lucas, the Assistant Director of University Outreach, praised Jorge “for his consistency in providing high quality, reliable work and serving as a role model to others in the process.”

During quarantine, Jorge led live tours on Instagram that allowed hundreds of students to experience CSULB from wherever they were located. These tours have since become a staple in the University Outreach office. Jorge has also taken to Reddit and Discord to connect and serve prospective students in those social media spaces. Jorge consistently offers tutorials on these efforts for those who are unaware of these platforms and encourages them to see how their roles fit into this work. Lucas commended Jorge for “his work ethic, passion, professionalism, and collaborative spirit, [which] have often made his peers excited and eager to work with him.”

UOSR Director Evelyn Daliwan also sang Jorge’s praises: “Jorge is a proud member of the Beach community from his days as an active student leader in ASI, to his time working as a Tour Guide, and subsequently as an alum and staff member. Since he began as the EAP Coordinator, he has implemented many innovative services, including the Instagram live student panels and campus tours, as well as our Discord prospective student community. His efforts are always aimed to ensure prospective students are ready to apply and attend CSULB. Other contributions include participating in scripting and recording help videos created by the CSU Chancellor’s Office and participating in the design of system-wide middle school and high school educational materials.”

“Jorge is also a consistent collaborator who willingly offers his support to members of the UOSR team as well as the campus in general. His technical and social media expertise have contributed to the department in meeting our students in the spaces and places they want us to be. He is always willing to do that extra presentation on the weekend or to stay late or arrive early to ensure students are served. Jorge is an exemplary example of the Best of the Beach and we are very proud of this campus recognition,” Daliwan added.